Interview with Renowned Hypnotherapy Expert, Dr. Terry McIvor


Why do you do what you do?

Dr Terence McIvor's work as a transformative coach, hypnotherapist, and educator is driven by his deep passion for unlocking human potential and fostering meaningful change. He aims to help individuals overcome personal and professional barriers, utilizing neuroscience and psychology to provide actionable insights and tools for mental resilience. His innovative SynapGen Transformational Coaching System® merges scientific rigor with therapeutic practices, offering cutting-edge solutions to real-world challenges.

As a Fellow of the Association of Coaching and a Master Coach Mentor for EMCC UK, Dr McIvor mentors future coaches and leaders, raising global standards in coaching and mentoring. His syndicated podcast on the Price of Business Media platform amplifies his reach, allowing him to share his knowledge with a wider audience and inspire positive change.

What are some projects you are currently working on?

Currently, Dr. McIvor is working on several innovative projects, including the SynapGen Transformational  Coaching System®, available as:

  • One-to-one coaching for those with non-structural chronic pain and also helping those with mental health issues. 
  • Qualifications for coaches. 

He also promotes NeuroResonance Therapy™, which blends Eastern practices with Western empirical research to enhance emotional stability, mental clarity, and overall well-being.

Another ongoing project is the development of Patho-Physiological Neuro Linguistic Psychology (PNLPsy™), a new form of NLP designed to provide adequate mental health support by combining NLP principles with a deep understanding of physiological processes. At Manipur International University, he continues developing and overseeing programs to improve psychological and neuroscientific knowledge.

What are your goals for the short-term and long-term?

In the short term, Dr McIvor aims to broaden the impact of the SynapGen Transformational Coaching System® by training more coaches and therapists and by providing personalised coaching to those with non-structural chronic pain. He also plans to integrate NeuroResonance Therapy™ and PNLPsy™ into mainstream therapeutic practices.

In the long term, Dr McIvor envisions a global network of accredited practitioners in hypnotherapy, NLP, and coaching. He aims to set new benchmarks for excellence through IGH3P®, promoting a holistic approach to health and wellness that merges scientific rigour with practical application. Additionally, he aspires to innovate educational programs that bridge the gap between scientific research and practical application.

Who or what inspires you?

Dr. McIvor is inspired by his mentors, including David Key, Dr. Richard Nongard, Larry and Cheryl Elman, and Howard Shrubiner, who have significantly influenced his career. His clients' resilience and progress further fuel his passion, as does the continuous advancement in neuroscience and psychology. His dedication to lifelong learning and excellence drives his commitment to helping others achieve their highest potential.

If you could change anything about your industry, what would it be?

Dr. McIvor advocates integrating scientific research into coaching and therapeutic practices, emphasizing an evidence-based approach. He believes in raising professional standards and accreditation processes to ensure high-quality services. Additionally, he supports including mental health training in coaching curricula and promoting a comprehensive support system for clients.

What do you plan to do once you cross the millionaire mark?

Upon reaching the millionaire mark, Dr McIvor plans to reinvest in expanding educational and therapeutic initiatives, including scholarships and funding opportunities for underrepresented communities. He aims to continue advancing research in neuroscience and psychology, exploring new methodologies to enhance mental health and personal development. Dr McIvor is also committed to philanthropy, supporting initiatives that align with his mission of fostering human potential and well-being.

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